Augusta Area Sportsmans Club Rifle & Archery Range
Rifle Ranges
Our 300 yard rifle range is open year-round with a shelter for protection while shooting.
The pistol range is located alongside the rifle range and offers a distance up to 25 yards.
Club memberships are required to use the range. A member adult must accompany anyone under age 18.
The club has 3 trap houses.
Teams shoot every Monday night, last Sunday of April - August from 6 - 9:30pm. Each team has 10 members.
Wednesday nights are available for make-up and shoot-ahead sessions from 6 - 7:30pm.
Archery Platform
Located by the rifle range, the platform allows for 3 shooters to practice at one time at distances of 10, 20 and 30 yards.
Our Mission Statement
To promote youth and adult shooting sports, hunter safety and the propagation, growth and conservation of our renewable wildlife resources.
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